Twice a month, join legendary graffiti artist, fashion designer, and entrepreneur Claudia Gold (Claw Money), on her exploration of different subcultures, and the people that helped create them on “Gold Minds”!Art, Music, Dance, and even Extreme Sports, have all had massive impacts on our society, both social, and economic. From creating new trends and entirely new markets, to influencing our very governments on a global level. There is no doubt that subcultures are powerful forces, that truly help shape who we are, and our perspectives of the world around us. Claw is interested in finding out, who the brilliant people that helped perpetuate them are, and the struggles they went through, just to keep their vision going.We are excited to hear what you think of the podcast! Please rate and leave us a comment! To find out more about Claudia you can check her out on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook: @ClawMoney or on her website
To people down there, like, last year or whatever. And I'm thinking, like, what the fuck? He gets out, leaves the door open, and, like, walks towards the pier. With the car with the car running on the sidewalk. There's hundreds of people all over the place. And I was like, what the fuck? And then I, like, came around. I realized it was a rental because I could see, like, the easy pass cover. And I was like, and that's when I started to be like, this is fucked up. What's this dude doing? And he didn't come back for, like, 5 maybe 10 minutes, and he finally kinda wandered back and, like, stopped in the bike lane and almost got hit. And he gets It wasn't like you you want some math or something? Like, meanwhile, like You want some meth? Even, like, 10 years ago, somebody would have gotten fucking car and just drove it away. You know what I mean? This is like They're like, I'm not getting an Arona Mobile. It was at Christopher and the West Side Highway, and so and I'm like, where the fuck is the police? And he finally comes back. He gets in the car and he goes to pull back onto the west side highway, but instead he drives, like, over the median, like, in the sidewalk. Like, pedestrians had to get out of the way. Wow. Because he was gonna turn and go northbound again, and that's when the fucking cop was coming across Christopher and they, like, blared the lines. I think the cops got him? They pulled him over and they had him over there forever. And finally, as just as we're getting ready to leave, a fucking ambulance came. Like, the guy was just loony. Oh my god. He lost his mind, and he had math to choose its plates. And I'm just thinking, like, this guy was, like, holed up in, like, Western Mass and just lost his shit. And he's like, I'm going to New York, man. Fuck it. It was it was so weird. I mean, it is just it's so it's so weird. Right? And then don't you, are you giving people who don't wear mask dirty looks? Because I am. And meanwhile, like, I, like, pull mine down so I can breathe. Like, my nose is getting all stuffed all the time. But if I see like, I put it on if I'm, like, going near. You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Charm, and he was super, like, Hollywood good looks. He looked like Clark my grandmother always said, oh, that's my Clark Gable. And but he was he was super, super humble. I mean, as a as a child, I'd be like grandpa, tell us about the war. Give us the war stories, and he wouldn't. He would just grunt. He'd gone. He would never tell us. He'd never talk to us about any of that. He was a painter, a house painter in Bay Ridge, and, he would paint all the expensive houses in the white gloves and the white hat, and he was he was all he always conducted himself like Clint Eastwood. Like, he was grit. Like, he's a he was like my daughter of a man. I was like, my grandfather was like that dude. And, but at the same time, super super humble, and they called him Action Jackson because she was like a pool hustler. He would hustle people at the bars after work and all that stuff, so it's a little a little glimpse at That's that was such a thing that, like, people, like, supplemented their, like, income at the pool. Like my family too. Oh, hell yeah. Hell yeah. My father did it at OTB. Right. And that's a New York, staple that's gone. You know? Yeah. Off track betting. You know? OTBs were, like, literally the most terrifying place in all of New York. Any anywhere you would go to an OTP. I spent my childhood picking up cigarettes off the floor and tickets and shit in front of you know, I was in a either in a social club or an OTP. I know. That was like early childhood, but Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm a bit And then we moved back to Bay Ridge, my you know, and we grew up on this block on 92nd and Gelston, and my mom, at the time my mom and father like going at it, they were like oil and water, like they were divorcing. So it was like she would had to raise us on her own, and, it was my brother and my sister. So she was just, you know, she was a waitress. Basically, she came back to a neighborhood where she was looked at, like, you know, everybody I mean,
I do. But, you know, I I was somebody, you know, I there are a couple things. One thing about me is that I understood early what I didn't like, even if I didn't know what I did like. Okay. And I did not can I curse? Yeah. You can curse. Okay. And I did not like fucking school. Okay? I did like Ann Arbor. Okay. So, you know, as I said, you know, so I was I I dropped out. I had some friends. You know, I was able to, you know, read what I wanted, smoke what I wanted, listen to the music I wanted. And, you know, I was working the the one constant of my life in Ann Arbor was working in a record store there, which which I began doing before my 1st day of class. So were you just, like a music junkie? You just loved music? Because it seems like you're very attracted to music in many forms. Yeah. It's been the one constant in my life. You know, I Were you a musical child? Well, you know, it depends how you measure it. You know, my father was somebody who could sing. You know, if he got if he got drunk at a bar mitzvah, you know, he'd he'd eventually get up with the band and sing, you know, begin the begeen. Right. And he and he kinda killed it. So my old man had talent. My mother who grew up in Brooklyn, had very little musical talent. She said that she was classified as a hummer, As a hummer. You know, in the classroom whenever the the class was singing, they said Esther, no. You because, you know, she had no sense of pitch. Okay? But is this too much detail? No. No. No. Alright. So anyway, so my folks, had records, and I listened to the records. And then, you know, again, growing up in Detroit, it happened to be a great, great time to grow up in I imagine so. Although, you know, I had nothing to compare it to, but, you know, it's the era of
A lot of jazz artists first. Mhmm. And then after that, he started working with R&B and hip hop. He managed D Train and Jazz and Jay Z and all these people he started working with. So by the time I was a teenager, I was already, like, he had his own kind of style. Uh-huh. And my mom had her own kind of style, and they were both very fly, but very different and very expressive. So So you grew up, like, with all of this, like, creativity, and that was, like, the vibe of all. Canvas. You know? And then on top of that, Brooklyn was a canvas. Sure. And it was such a canvas. And so you met I you know, I was always meshed together with so many creative people, my father's friends. So I think artists and, sculptors, and and we did the museums on the weekend. And we were in he had us in acting classes, and, and we had to take dance and modern and track and DJ classes and singing classes. And, you know, this was a standard he had. Like, one of you guys, you're not gonna be idle. So that we will always introduce in around the arts. That's the way to do it, Brad. Yeah, man. Keep him busy. Indeed. Indeed. I'm out of trouble. Okay. So how how did you start? I know that, like, Dapper Dan was, like, a big influence for you, but how did you actually start? You're like, this is cool. I can do this. I have my own ideas. Then what? Then we were in I was still in college and I started literally, I copied I knew what a cutting table was. We couldn't afford more until we got a piece of wood. I remember that New York Times used to have these, Sunday liquidations. Uh-huh. And so I was already at an Amex. I had saved up for a year, and I had passed the hat with family and friends. And I literally made
The top of his game, one of, I would say, you know, one of the greatest. Yes. Also, one of, like, the nicest, kindest, coolest, very, like, supportive person to me personally, good friend, always. You know, I feel like I represent New York graffiti. Right? And I'm sure, like, everybody all the graffiti writers from New York, like, represent, like, New York graffiti on some level, but maybe it's just, like, sort of like I thought you're gonna say, I think all New York graffiti writers think that I represent New York graffiti. Oh, well, of course. But it's just a given. It's just like a whatever. But, like, internationally Yeah. I feel like Seth He's the ambassador. Right, like, represents New York graffiti of current New York graffiti Right. Right, of, like, what's you know? And is this, like, style technician, you know, as the nerds like to call it. It's like, you know, these letter guys, these guys with their fucking letters. Okay? I draw like a blob of nails. That's my shit. No. I like letters too, but, you know, internationally, like, I mean, I would think he would be, like, our first ambassador. Ambassador? I was gonna liken it to, like, a a basketball team, but yet I know no positions. Who's the guy who throws the ball? They all throw the fucking ball. The main guy. The main shoots baskets? He's the best forward? Yes. Okay. He's the number one forward. Alright? He's the He's right. He's not the wingman. You know what I mean? Like, he's, like, he's the starting lineup. So Is he the quarterback? He's the quarterback. He is the quarterback for, like, New York, like, in the international realm of, like, graffiti. He's sort of like the quarterback for New York. Right. I'm gonna say that. He might throw the ball to you. He might